Избранное трейдера Андрей Бежин (s_point)
In this Weekend Report I would like to show you some old charts that we’ve not looked for the most part, in a long time. Some of the long term members may remember some of these charts that go all the way back to when we first opened our doors at Rambus Chartology. When you build long term weekly or monthly charts things change very slowly vs the minute charts. What you were thinking several years or longer ago can still be relative to today’s price action. It lets you know if what you were seeing in the charts back then was way off base or if what you were thinking back then was correct or at least fairly close to what the present day’s price action is showing. It forces you to be honest with yourself.
It’s impossible to catch every little twist and turn the markets make on the short term sharts but the long term view can stay consistent for many years. It’s human nature to try and catch every little wiggle the markets make but in reality the big money is made when you can catch the beginning of a major trend and hold on through thick and thin having the confidence in your charts or whatever trading system you’re using to keep you on the right side of the trend. With that said lets look at some old charts.
This first chart is a combo chart that has the $BPGDM on bottom and GDX on the top. The BPGDM measures the gold stocks that are on a buy signal using a point and figure. First lets look at the bottom right hand side of the chart that shows the BPGDM has been falling for the last several weeks. It topped out at 40 and is currently down to 26. This tells us fewer gold stocks are on buy signals vs two weeks ago which isn’t what you want to see in a strong impulse move up. The BPGDM also has a 5dma and an 8dma that gives short term buy and sell signals. When the price action of the BPGDM falls below the faster 5dma and then the 5dma falls below the 8dma you get a sell signal.
Сегодня я в очередной раз откапал интересную картинку, а точнее график решил рассказать, а точнее пересказать историю, которая произошла в 30-х годах XVII века. Эта история о великом росте цен на луковицу тюльпана и еще более великом падение.
Одним из иностранцев, заинтригованных тюльпанами, был Ожье Гислен де Бусбек, австрийский посол в Турции (1555—1562). Он привез несколько луковиц из Константинополя в Вену, где их посадили в садах Фердинанда I, императора из династии Габсбургов. Там тюльпаны расцвели под опытным наблюдением Шарля де Леклюза, французского ботаника, более известного под своим латинским именем Карл Клузиус.
Вскоре слава Клузиуса привлекла внимание Лейденского университета в Нидерландах, и его уговорили стать куратором университетского ботанического сада. В октябре 1593 года, с «тайным запасом луковиц тюльпанов», Клузиус приехал в Лейден. Несколько месяцев спустя, весной 1594 года, новый сад Клузиуса стал местом самого первого тюльпана, зацветшего в Нидерландах.