Учитывая, что во всех наших СМИ фигурирует только это " Как сообщается администрация США, шестерка международных посредников привержена тому, чтобы не налагать на Иран новые санкции в течение шести месяцев,
приостановить определенные санкции в сфере оборота золота и драгоценных металлов, ограничения в отношении иранского автомобильного сектора, нефтехимического экспорта.", приходится обращаться к первоисточнику.
Что мы имеем?
During the first phase, we will continue to vigorously enforce our sanctions against Iran, including by taking action against those who seek to evade or circumvent our sanctions.
Sanctions affecting crude oil sales will continue to impose pressure on Iran’s government. Working with our international partners, we have cut Iran’s oil sales from 2.5 million barrels per day (bpd) in early 2012 to 1 million bpd today, denying Iran the ability to sell almost 1.5 million bpd. That’s a loss of more than $80 billion since the beginning of 2012 that Iran will never be able to recoup. Under this first step,
the EU crude oil ban will remain in effect and Iran will be held to approximately 1 million bpd in sales, resulting in continuing lost sales worth an additional $4 billion per month, every month, going forward.
Sanctions affecting petroleum product exports to Iran, which result in billions of dollars of lost revenue,
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