Блог им. YaroX |Как эмитируется USDT?

    • 16 ноября 2024, 15:39
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    • YaroX
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Волею судеб попал в криптомир и задержался. Нужно было сделать покупку за рубежом, к слову очень удобно и гораздо дешевле, чем через банки. Ну так вот, хочется понять, как же все-таки эмитируется основное средство крипторасчетов USDT?
Может знает кто? 

Есть у них на сайте FAQ.


Вот пара цитат из него:

Every Tether token is 100% backed by Reserves, which includes traditional currency, cash equivalents, and other assets, including receivables from loans made by Tether to third parties.

The Tether platform is fully reserved when the sum of all Tether Tokens in circulation is less than or equal to the value of our Reserves. Through our Transparency page, anyone can review information about both of these numbers at any time. Please see "How often does Tether provide its transparency information?" for more information.

Tether Tokens are created by having multiple Tether private authorization keys sign and broadcast creation transactions on the specific blockchain. These new tokens are «authorized but not issued», meaning that these USD₮ are stored in Tether’s treasury and not in circulation until issued. Tether Tokens are “issued” when they are transferred out of Tether’s treasury, which may be to a customer who purchases these through tether.to.

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