Блог им. TrailRunner |China: long term sell

Дети — это будущее страны, они платят налоги и содержат стариков. При  текущей  демографической ситуации  (и прогнозе ООН) по категории женщин в детородном возрасте, после 2020 Китай столкнется с трудностями в приросте населения и начет пожинать плоды своей политики: одна семья-один ребенок.

 Chinese Stocks: Long-Term Sell 

China’s population of women of prime childbearing age (25-29) goes into steep decline starting next year. Average age of marriage and first childbirth are rising worldwide, and as a general rule the more developed a country becomes (and the more educated its women become) the higher the age of marriage and motherhood.

Picture So, let’s assume that China’s women are postponing motherhood under their early 30s. Even then, China has a major problem. Its population of women aged 30-34 goes into steep decline starting in 2020.

Conception is still possible into the late 30s and 40s, of course. But it gets more difficult and, realistically, it limits family size. What does all of this mean?

Chinese stocks are cheap today and generally hated and under-owned by investors. In a world in which American stocks trade at nosebleed valuations, Chinese stocks are a bargain.

Just don’t fall in love with them. Given the deflationary demographic abyss China faces, Chinese stocks are a long-term sell.


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