Комментарии пользователя BobbyKotick
Привет, Henderson’у, получившему большой выбор прилавков от ушедших производителей. Предпочту ли я его рубашку сорочке от Массимо Дутти?А есть разница? Что то фаст фэшн, что это. Качество днище
«Да, мы с Путиным хорошо ладили… Нам никогда не угрожала война»Это сознательная ложь. В своем интервью Трамп прямо заявил, что указал Путину не лезть в Украину. Но ведь это сразу меняет нарратив, как любят говорить местные «эксперты», субъектность отклеивается, не так ли? Полная цитата звучит так:
Putin and I got along very well, with our relationship. We were never in danger of a war. He would have never gotten into Ukraine. I said, don’t ever, ever go into Ukraine.
On Russia, as a businessman, you’ve talked about ending the war in Ukraine. Have you thought at all about easing or eliminating the sanctions on Russia as part of the deal that you’ve talked about to end the war in Ukraine?
Yeah. So what we’re doing with sanctions is we’re forcing everyone away from us. So I don’t love sanctions. I found them very useful with Iran, but I didn’t even need sanctions with Iran so much. I told China, that and Russia is in a similar position. I told China… I made people aware and I don’t think China is bad. But I made people aware that China has been ripping off this country for 30 years, OK, under every president, and I’m the only one who took in massive amounts of money, hundreds of billions of dollars from China.
So much so that Biden, who got paid off by China, can’t even end the tariffs because the money is so big that’s coming in. And that was just the beginning. That was just the beginning. But I taught people that China’s hurting us. China built their military with the money they took out of the United States, right. So, I think Gordon Chang [conservative commentator and China hawk] said that the other day, said Trump’s the only one that understood China and he said a couple of things that are interesting. He said, when he started charging the tariffs, this massive amount of money that was cut, you know, we were taking in massive amounts of money. I gave the farmers $28 billion. They got $28 billion because China took advantage of our farmers. I gave it to them. Hence I won Iowa and every other place.
Итоговое коммюнике форума не подписали Армения, Бахрейн, Бразилия, Ватикан, Индия, Индонезия, Иордания, Ирак, Колумбия, Ливия, Мексика, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Руанда, Саудовская Аравия, Таиланд и ЮАР.Заметка прям в стиле времен Брежнева.
пропиндосские паспортаТы или глупый, или придуриваешься. Цель таких словесных интервенций — украинцы, которые внезапно «оказались» в РФ и не спешат идти и сдавать свои украинские паспорта и переписывать себя в россиян/русских. Никто за 2 европейскими/израильскими/американскими паспортами депутатов не пойдет.