Блог им. moorzilla |Последний бесплатный курс и инструменты от FT43 в этом году

Для тех, кто просил посоветовать хорошее обучение, рабочие инструменты и стратегии по торговле на рынках.
Завтра начинается последний бесплатный, запланированный в этом году курс от http://ft43.net. Не mainstream. Поехали!


Dear Friends;

A few shorts months ago we released into Beta FT43. The works been intense yet it's complete! It's a monster, or more appropriately a Beast! I have intentionally not spoken too much about what we've included but it knows where prices are headed and does so quite intelligently!

We now briefly ignore price action and volume while we determine exchange rate direction through inter-market analysis via 'other' pairs giving ourselves immense transparency into the next candles through the reintegration of volume for precision trading. With these advancements comes change. We no longer use 4 colors, it's quite simply two that you select. One for strong bullish moves and one for strong bearish moves. While we continue to navigate the waters towards higher levels of performance, the advancements in both FT43 and FlowTrader are breathtaking.

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