Блог им. alexKa |the guardian: Почему Украина нуждается в России более чем когда либо

    • 10 марта 2016, 22:24
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    • alexKa
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[code]In little over a year, living standards in Ukraine have fallen by half, the currency has lost 350% of its value, and inflation has skyrocketed to 43%.
By tearing up contracts with Russia in 2014, Ukraine’s defence and aviation industries lost 80% of their income. Once the pride of Kiev, airline manufacturer Antonov went bankprupt and rocket engine producer Yuzhmash is now working just one day a week.

...since by signing a free trade agreement with the EU, Ukraine lost its preferential access to its largest market, Russia.
Meanwhile, EU certification allows only 72 Ukrainian companies to export goods to the EU. Of these, 39 licenses are for honey. While that may sound like a lot of honey, Ukraine exported its yearly quota for honey in the first six weeks of 2016
Nor is it clear how Poroshenko plans to make Ukrainian agriculture globally competitive when, as his own agriculture minister points out, four out of five agricultural companies are bankrupt.

Если конечно это правда,  получается что из 72 лицензий полученных Украиной — 39 на поставку мёда, Антонов — банкрот, а Южмаш работает один день в неделю

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