Новости рынков

Новости рынков | Яндекс проведет собрание акционеров 22 декабря: в повестке нет вопросов о разделении компании

Яндекс проведет в Голландии собрание акционеров 22 декабря в 15:00 по времени Амстердама.
Из интересного в повестке собрания:
👉отмена 10,0000 акций класса C, принадлежащих компании
👉полномочия совету дирекоров выпускать акции класса А (не более 20% на 5 лет)
👉полномочия совету на выкуп акций (не более 20% на 18 мес)

Полный список вопросов для голосования:
1. Presentation of unaudited 2021 annual statutory accounts of the Company. (Discussion)
2. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors for their liability towards the Company for their management during the 2021 financial year. (Decision)
3. Re-appointment of Rogier Rijnja as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a four-year term. (Decision)
4. Re-appointment of Charles Ryan as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a four-year term. (Decision)
5. Re-appointment of Alexander Voloshin as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors for a four-year term. (Decision)
6. Cancellation of outstanding Class C Shares. (Decision)
7. Appointment of the external U.S GAAP auditor of the Company for the 2022 financial year. (Decision)
8. General authorization of the Board of Directors to issue Class A Shares. (Decision)
9. General authorization of the Board of Directors to exclude pre-emption rights. (Decision)
10. General authorization of the Board of Directors to acquire shares in the Company. (Decision)



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