Блог им. st-travich

🔵 What can be used also as a reversal point instead of HFTs’?

​​​​​Good Sunday traders! 👋


Today I want to show you how alternatively we can enter position if there is no HFT volume, but we have prepared plan, and how to put alerts on candle delta?


We will discuss Euro (6E), Japaneese Yen (6J), Nasdaq (NQ), Crude oil (CL), Copper (HG) and  Coffee (KC).


This 11 minutes video is for you today 


If you need help in some understanding in volume analysis and orderflow analysis as our clients you can write me questions in direct @wilsontrader, I’ll be glad to help you.


    3 комментария
    госпадя, иносранцы к нам пришли. Иди родной в свои США, там лохов поболее будет.
    What is the main idea to use english for your videos?
    TheBlackLord, to practice English and give opportunity for others to practice, as it is the language of the world of business, finance and futures trading

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