Блог им. Luminary

IMM . Cross Currency Basis .EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters , USD-LIBOR-BBA (EURUSD)

Trade Data 23.01.2020

Effective Start Data 28.01.2020

CCB — 1.1085

EUR/USD,29,769,959 — 33,000,000

The maximum low point of removal from the base price will be equal to the maximum high point expressed in price points .

IMM . Cross Currency Basis .EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters , USD-LIBOR-BBA (EURUSD)
IMM . Cross Currency Basis .EUR-EURIBOR-Reuters , USD-LIBOR-BBA (EURUSD)

The number of points from the maximum lower point will be equal to the number of points to the maximum upper point relative to the price of 1.1085 in a certain period of time

теги блога Luminary

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