Deja Vu All Over Again: Total US Debt Passes Debt Ceiling... In Under One Month Since Extension

    • 05 сентября 2011, 14:22
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Remember when one month ago the US, to much pomp and circumstance, not to mention one downgrade,  announced a grand bargain raising the debt ceiling from $14.294 trillion to something much higher, with a stop gap intermediate ceiling of $14.694 trillion, or $400 billion more. Well, as of today, or less than a month since the expansion, total US debt is at $14.697 trillion. Yep — the total debt is again over the ceiling, which means the US debt increased by $400 billion in one month. Score one for fiscal prudence. And while the total debt subject to the limit is still slightly less, at $14.652, one week of Treasury auctions and will be time for Moody's to justify again why the US is a quadruple A credit.

Для сравнения (таблица III-C):

Even Goldman Sachs Secretly Believes That An Economic Collapse Is Coming

    • 02 сентября 2011, 12:53
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On August 16th, a 54 page report authored by Goldman strategist Alan Brazil was distributed to institutional clients.  The general public was not intended to see this report.
In the report, Brazil says that the U.S. debt problem cannot be solved with more debt, that the European sovereign debt crisis is going to get even worse and that there are large numbers of financial institutions in Europe that are on the verge of collapse.  If this is what people at the highest levels of the financial world are talking about, perhaps we should all start paying attention.
But in any environment Goldman Sachs thinks that it can make money.  The following is how Business Insider summarized the advice that Brazil gave in the report regarding how to make money off of the impending collapse in Europe....
  • Buy a six-month put option on the Euro versus the Swiss Franc, thus betting the Euro will drop against the Franc (the Franc being the currency that an official Goldman report recently referred to as the most overvalued in the world)
  • Buy a five-year credit default swap on an index of European corporate debt—the iTraxx 9. This is a bet that some of these companies will default, and your insurance policy, the CDS, will pay off

Формирование фонда dv/dt comm

    • 19 августа 2011, 22:23
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Более агрессивный фонд, чем

Вход: от 1 млн. рублей.
Прогнозируемый лимит фонда: 10 млн. рублей

Прогноризуемые риски: вполне реальна потеря 30-50%
Целевая доходность: 400-800% за 2-3 года.
Инструменты: производные от commodities
Закрытие: по ощущениям, будет 300% за полгода и слабый прогноз — закроем, 400% за год и прогноз на еще 100-200% на полгода — продолжим.

Юрисдикция и регулирование: в процессе…

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The Case For $20,000 Gold

    • 17 августа 2011, 18:14
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Формирование фонда commodities продолжается

Кто купил 30-летние бонды на последнем аукционе? Нет, не Китай.

    • 13 августа 2011, 11:08
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What got us spooked at yesterday’s bond auction is, in a word, the Chinese didn’t show up. We have speculated on more than one occasion what would happen if the Chinese failed to show. Well, now we know.
It gets a little worse. Insurance companies and pension funds sat this one out, too.
For the first time in the history of 30-year bond auctions, “direct bidders” bought more bonds than foreign bidders.
The “primary dealers” — the 20 megabanks that are required to submit bids in exchange for a host of special privileges with the Fed and U.S. Treasury — wound up buying 68% of yesterday’s issue.
“If we continue down this road much longer, the only buyer of U.S. debt will be the Fed. That’s the real downgrade to come. Not from the credit rating agencies, but from our foreign creditors.
“Once we have a failed Treasury auction, it will engender a vicious cycle. Debt service expense will soar, which causes out-of-control deficits. The Fed will be forced to purchase more of the debt and inflation rates become intractable, thus destroying GDP growth.”

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