FITCH downgrades Spain to BBB from A; Outlook negative

    • 07 июня 2012, 20:44
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Fitch has downgraded Spain's Long-term rating.

Продолжение: Fitch issues forecast on Spain banking needs; sees EUR50B-60B capital required.

А это из

Event Trader: Fitch downgrades Spain three notches making it the low person on the street; S&P cut Spain to A-1 bacl on April 26; Moody's downgraded Spain to A1 on Feb 13

— The likely fiscal cost of restructuring and recapitalising the Spanish banking sector is now estimated by Fitch to be around EUR60bn (6% of GDP) and as high as EUR100bn (9% of GDP) in a more severe stress scenario compared to Fitch's previous baseline estimate of around EUR30bn (3% of GDP)… Spain is forecast to remain in recession through the remainder of this year and 2013 compared to Fitch's previous expectation that the economy would benefit from a mild recovery in 2013… Spain's investment grade status remains supported by a relatively high value-added and diverse economy as well as political and social stability despite very high unemployment.

— The Outlook on Spain's sovereign ratings remains Negative, indicating a heightened risk of further downgrades Spain's sovereign ratings at 'BBB' are robust to some further deterioration in the economic and fiscal outlook and somewhat greater than expected fiscal cost of bank restructuring, as well as to receipt of temporary external financial support for bank recapitalisation. However, Spain's high level of foreign indebtedness and prolonged economic weakness as it deleverages and rebalances does render it vulnerable to negative economic and financial shocks. A loss of market access for budgetary funding and consequent reliance on external policy-conditional financial support would prompt a further review of Spain's sovereign ratings.

Будет ли трагикомедия по-Гречески 2 ?

    • 28 марта 2012, 22:31
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14:10 ЕТ Аналитик агентство S&P по суверенным рейтингам Крамер: Греции может понадобится еще одна реструктуризация долга, Греция должна начать рост и поддерживать стабильность.

14:10ET S&P soverign analyst Kraemer: Greece may need to undertake another debt restructuring, Greece needs to create growth and stability.

5 центов JPMorgan протащили весь рынок (S&P) на 10 пунктов

    • 13 марта 2012, 23:20
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15:04 ET Банк JP Morgan объявил об увелечении дивидендов на 20% с $0.25 до $0,30; Объявил обратный выкуп акций на 15 млрд. долл. США. (9,3% от капитализации). (Дивиденды будут выплачены в 30 апреля 2012 года).


JP Morgan Chase toincrease dividend 20% to $0.30 from 0.25; Authorizes $15B buyback program (9.3% of market cap). (The dividend is payable April 30, 2012)

Личное мнение: Этот новость означает, что у американских банков улучлишись дела, и они скорее всего прошли стресс-тестов.


15:26 ET   BANK OF AMERICA объявил, что прошел стресс-тест FEDа, от них не требуют buyback или увеличения дивидендов.

Original: BAC said to have passed the Fed's stress tests (CCAR); did not request buyback or dividend increase authorization — financial press.

Первая пресс-конференция Б.Обамы в 2012. Уверенность растет, но...

    • 06 марта 2012, 22:31
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Президент Обама: Уверенность растет, экономика развивается, но многие американцы остаются без работы и не могут найти хороших рабочих мест — Live press-conference at CNBC.

Свое мнение:  Не ждите хороших ADP Employment rate и Payrolls

FOMC Minutes

    • 15 февраля 2012, 23:08
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Некоторые отрывки (выделения мои)

The information reviewed at the January 24-25 meeting indicated that U.S. economic activity continued to expand moderately, while global growth appeared to be slowing. Overall conditions in the labor market improved further, although the unemployment rate remained elevated.

The unemployment rate declined to 8.5 percent in December; however, both long-duration unemployment and the share of workers employed part time for economic reasons were still quite high.

Developments in Europe continued to be a central focus for investors over the intermeeting period as concerns persisted about the prospects for a durable solution to the European fiscal and financial difficulties. Nevertheless, market sentiment toward Europe appeared to brighten a bit, and U.S. economic data releases were somewhat better than investors expected, leading to some improvement in conditions in financial markets.

Fitch: Франция - прогноз "negative"

    • 16 декабря 2011, 22:07
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(12:59 ET) Рейтинговое агентство Fitch подтвердило «ААА» рейтинг Франции и пересмотрело прогноз из "stable" на "negative"

(Original: Fitch affirms France at 'AAA'; outlook revised to Negative)

Черновик EU Summit (продолжение)

    • 09 декабря 2011, 00:55
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15:40 ET. Германия отказала меры по подкрепление ESM (Europe Stability Mechanism) банковскими лицензиями; Также заявила, что исключает одновременно начинать EFSF и ESM — финансовая пресса.

(Original. Germany said to have rejected measure to provide the ESM with a banking licence; Also said to rule out simultaneous running of EFSF and ESM — financial press.

S&P упала на 13 поинт сразу после этой новости.

Черновик EU Summit (мой первый пост)

    • 09 декабря 2011, 00:38
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Лидеры ЕС приняли решение сохранить интеграцию союза; двигаться вперед к «новой фискальной компактности»; возможность в ДОЛГОСРОЧНОЙ перспективе — перемещение к общеевропейским долговым бумагам должна приниматься во внимание.

(Original: 15:12 ET. EU Summit Draft: EU leaders determined to preserve integrity of the union; Moving forward toward «new fiscal compact»; Possibility of shift toward common eurozone debt issuance in LONG term should be considered.)

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