Петр Юсов





А есть ли у вируса Корона ? по стопам H1N1

Американским вирусом H1N1 в 2009 году переболело 24% человечества, не зная, что это не обычный грипп. Эпидемия продолжалась целый год, но США уведомили о заразе только через 6 месяцев после начала эпидемии. Умерло 575 тысяч человек. Но никто не перекрывал границы и не выслеживал хозяев американских паспортов. Отрывок из текста в гонконгской газете South China Morning Post.

A LinkedIn post earlier this month by Mario Cavolo, an American public relations specialist based in China, resonated strongly among those questioning the US response.
In the February 5 post, titled “Something’s Not Right Here Folks,” Cavolo draws a comparison frequently invoked by Beijing’s defenders: the reaction to the 2009 outbreak of an H1N1 influenza pandemic, an illness that the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated to have led to as many as 575,400 deaths globally during the first year the virus circulated.
Estimates suggest that the H1N1 strain, which was first detected in the US, infected as much as 24 per cent of the world’s population.
Despite these staggering numbers, Cavolo pointed out, no countries turned Americans away or quarantined them. Nor did Washington come under sustained attack for initially undercounting the number of people infected.

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