Блог им. Scorpio0

VIX Hedgers Position

    • 30 января 2017, 21:05
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    • Scorpio
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VIX Hedgers Position
VIX Hedgers Position

VIX Hedgers Position

VIX Hedgers Position

VIX Hedgers Position

VIX Hedgers Position

VIX Hedgers Position

This chart shows the net number of contracts (longs minus shorts) held by large commercial hedgers. The green dotted line is 1 standard deviation above the 3-year average; the red dotted line is 1 standard deviation below the 3-year average.

Each week, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) releases information on the long and short positions of three groups of traders in a couple of dozen different futures markets in a report known as the Commitments of Traders.

The three groups are determined by the number of contracts they are currently holding, and are described as follows:

Commercial Hedgers — Commonly believed to be the «smart money», these traders are involved in the day-to-day operations of each commodity. They have an excellent handle on the underlying market, and it typically pays to follow their positions when they reach an extreme.

Large Speculators — This group mostly consists of large pooled funds, and almost always take the opposite side of commercial traders. The are primarily trend-followers, and will accumulate positions as a trend progresses. When their positions reach an extreme, watch for a price reversal in the opposite direction of the existing trend.

Non-Reportables (aka Small Speculators) — These are smaller traders, composed mostly of hedge funds and individual traders. Again, they are mostly trend-following in nature and we often see price reversals (in the opposite direction) when they hit an extreme.

By definition, commercial hedgers take the opposite side of the trades of large and small speculators. Therefore, when hedgers are net long, speculators are net short. Because hedgers tend to drive the market at extremes, we focus on them.

Commercial Hedgers are considered the smart money. When hedgers become net long to an extreme degree above the green dotted line, then we should be looking for the price of the commodity to rise. The opposite is true when they become so hedged that their position falls below the red dotted line.

You also want to look at the absolute level of positions, too — if they're at their greatest extreme in several years (even if they may not exceed the trading bands), then there's no question we're seeing a notable event.

  • Ключевые слова:
  • VIX
10 комментариев
йес йес
Скорпио!!! Ты хоть что хотел сообщить??? )))
SEREGA, SP500 на хаях
Scorpio, Спасибо Амиго!!! Значит шортить!!! А золото куда???

Как пользоваться уровнем рисков.

The Correction Risk Level is a quick way to gauge what our indicators and studies are suggesting. The higher the risk, the more likely the market is to decline.

Another way to look at it is in terms of cash. If the Correction Risk Level is 0, then we would be more inclined to keep 0% of our portfolio in cash (i.e. we would be fully invested). But if the Correction Risk Level is 10, then we would be more inclined to keep 100% of our portfolio in cash (i.e. no exposure to stocks).

The Short-term Correction Risk Level is based heavily on the Short-term Indicator Score. The Intermediate-term Correction Risk Level is based heavily on the spread between the Smart Money and Dumb Money Confidence indexes.

In both cases, we take the overriding trend of the market into account. If the indicators are showing excessive amounts of bearish opinion, then the market is more likely to respond favorably to that if we're in a bull market, and the Correction Risk Level would be lower. But if we're in a bear market, then bearish sentiment extremes are less reliable, and the Correction Risk Level would be a bit higher.

We take our studies into account as well. So if the indicators are murky, but we have some very compelling studies suggesting the market should rally, then the Correction Risk Level might be lower than the indicators would suggest.

The default Correction Risk Level is 5, which is where it would be if there is no edge present among our indicators and studies.

Scorpio, мало букв :(
SEREGA, По уровням рисков перешло в медвежий тренд. Если коротко, то на картинках ниже сказано, чем выше риски, тем меньше следует держать своих средств в активе, чем меньше риск, тем меньше денежных средств следует держать в портфеле.
Scorpio, Ага всё ясно!!!
это всего лишь 1 стд, вот если бы 2 хотя бы, то тогда бы видно было, что все наложили в штаны, и пора расти до небес

теги блога Scorpio

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