Блог им. tranquility
dataFile = 'YNDX_190114_190115.csv'
timeZoneDiffSecs = 3 * 3600
pt = 0.01
plt.errorbar( xs[ blackBars ], totalCentres[ blackBars ], yerr = totalSpans[ blackBars ], ecolor = 'k', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 0, ls = 'none' )
plt.errorbar( xs[ blackBars ], bodyCentres[ blackBars ], yerr = np.abs( bodySpans[ blackBars ] ), ecolor = 'k', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 2, ls = 'none' )
bodyCentres = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 1 ] + bars[ :, 4 ] )и boolean indexing, вот пример использования:
bodySpans = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 4 ] — bars[ :, 1 ] )
totalCentres = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 2 ] + bars[ :, 3 ] )
totalSpans = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 2 ] — bars[ :, 3 ] )
blackBars = np.abs( bodySpans ) < 0.25 * pt
greenBars = np.logical_and( np.logical_not( blackBars ),
bodySpans >= 0.25 * pt )
redBars = np.logical_not( np.logical_or( blackBars, greenBars ) )
import os.path, time import numpy as np import matplotlib.style import matplotlib as mpl mpl.style.use('classic') mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] = False import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dataFile = 'YNDX_190114_190115.csv' #dataFile = 'YNDX_190114_190115-1.csv' #dataFile = 'YNDX_190114_190115-2.csv' #dataFile = 'YNDX_190114_190115-3.csv' #dataFile = 'YNDX_181201_190115-4.csv' def my_split( s, seps ): # this function splits line to parts separated with given separators res = [s] for sep in seps: s, res = res, [] for seq in s: res += seq.split( sep ) i = 0 while i < len( res ): if res[i] == '': res.pop(i) continue i += 1 return res def loadFinamCsv( fname ): if not os.path.isfile( fname ): raise ValueError( 'wrong file name: %s' % fname ) counter = 0 fi = open( fname, 'r' ) tickerNameIsFound = False for line in fi: # this loop counts number of bars and reads ticker name from the first bar firstSymbol = line[ :1 ] if firstSymbol == '' or firstSymbol == '<': continue if not tickerNameIsFound: parsed = my_split( line, ',\n' ) ticker = parsed[0] period = parsed[1] tickerNameIsFound = True counter += 1 bars = np.zeros( ( counter, 6 ), dtype = np.float64 ) # create matrix for reading the whole file print( counter ) fi.seek( 0, 0 ) # move file pointer to the beginning counter = 0 for line in fi: firstSymbol = line[ :1 ] if firstSymbol == '' or firstSymbol == '<': continue parsed = my_split( line, ';,\n' ) timeStamp = parsed[2] + parsed[3] dtime = time.strptime( timeStamp + '+0300', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z' ) timeEpoch = time.mktime( dtime ) bars[ counter, : ] = np.array( ( timeEpoch, np.float64(parsed[4]), np.float64(parsed[5]), np.float64(parsed[6]), np.float64(parsed[7]), np.float64(parsed[8]) ) ) counter += 1 if counter % 1000 == 0: print( int( counter / 1000 ), end = ' ' ) fi.close() print( '\n' ) return { 'ticker': ticker, 'period': period, 'bars': bars } def convertPeriodString( periodRaw ): try: numMins = int( periodRaw ) if numMins % 60 != 0: return 'M%d' % numMins else: return 'H%d' % ( numMins // 60 ) except ValueError: return periodRaw timeZoneDiffSecs = 3 * 3600 # we need to know in advance the time zone difference between UTC pt = 0.01 # we need to know in advance the min price step (point) data = loadFinamCsv( dataFile ) ticker = data[ 'ticker' ] period = data[ 'period' ] bars = data[ 'bars' ] periodFine = convertPeriodString( period ) xs = np.array( range( bars.shape[0] ) ) bodyCentres = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 1 ] + bars[ :, 4 ] ) bodySpans = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 4 ] - bars[ :, 1 ] ) totalCentres = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 2 ] + bars[ :, 3 ] ) totalSpans = 0.5 * ( bars[ :, 2 ] - bars[ :, 3 ] ) blackBars = np.abs( bodySpans ) < 0.25 * pt greenBars = np.logical_and( np.logical_not( blackBars ), bodySpans >= 0.25 * pt ) redBars = np.logical_not( np.logical_or( blackBars, greenBars ) ) plt.clf() plt.errorbar( xs[ blackBars ], totalCentres[ blackBars ], yerr = totalSpans[ blackBars ], ecolor = 'k', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 0, ls = 'none' ) plt.errorbar( xs[ blackBars ], bodyCentres[ blackBars ], yerr = np.abs( bodySpans[ blackBars ] ), ecolor = 'k', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 2, ls = 'none' ) plt.errorbar( xs[ greenBars ], totalCentres[ greenBars ], yerr = totalSpans[ greenBars ], ecolor = 'g', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 0, ls = 'none' ) plt.errorbar( xs[ greenBars ], bodyCentres[ greenBars ], yerr = np.abs( bodySpans[ greenBars ] ), ecolor = 'g', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 2, ls = 'none' ) plt.errorbar( xs[ redBars ], totalCentres[ redBars ], yerr = totalSpans[ redBars ], ecolor = 'r', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 0, ls = 'none' ) plt.errorbar( xs[ redBars ], bodyCentres[ redBars ], yerr = np.abs( bodySpans[ redBars ] ), ecolor = 'r', elinewidth = 0.5, capsize = 2, ls = 'none' ) plt.xlabel( 'Bar No., %s' % periodFine ) plt.ylabel( ticker ) # before was: fname[ : fname.find( ' ' ) ] plt.xlim( xs[0] - 0.5, xs[-1] + 0.5 ) plt.annotate( 'start: %s' % ( time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( bars[ 0, 0 ] + timeZoneDiffSecs ) ) ), xy=(0.1,0.95), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=11, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top' ) plt.annotate( 'end: %s' % ( time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime( bars[ -1, 0 ] + timeZoneDiffSecs ) ) ), xy=(0.1,0.90), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=11, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top' ) plt.savefig( dataFile[ : dataFile.rfind( '.' ) ] + '.png') plt.show()
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