Новости рынков |Письмо греческого министра финансов Венезелоса, адресованое Еврогруппе

У кого-то может есть возможность сделать перевод, если интересно. А у меня нет возможности. Если хлам, то я стеру
Yesterday morning, when he finished the last meeting we had with the Prime Minister and the troika at the Maximos Mansion, after 15 hours of debate and negotiation, I stated that I am leaving for Brussels in the hope that the Eurogroup meeting will take place, and that the Eurogroup approve the new program in Greece.The program on which the financial survival of the country over the next several years.

Unfortunately today the Eurogroup did not take the final decision to approve the new program, which is strictly connected with the official opening and of course with the completion of the PSI, through which Greece will get rid of 100 billion public debt, ie 47% of GDP in public debt.

The Eurogroup now not received the final positive decision and made many objections from many countries, objections based on the fact that we completed in cooperation with the troika, full list of the additional fiscal measures to be taken to meet the budgetary target of 2012 remained to be clarified and measures totaling 325 million.

The main thing is that the Eurogroup has taken due note of the fact that they have not given even by the leaders of all parties in writing, express and unequivocal commitment to support this program.

From now until the next meeting of the Eurogroup, which probably will be held Wednesday, our country, our country, our society should think and make a final strategic choice: If we see the salvation and future of the country in the Eurozone, within Europe, we must do what we should do anyway to make the program be approved. And PSI is vital to make good time before the ends of long bonds in March.

If our country, our people favor a different policy which necessarily leads outside the eurozone and thus outside the European integration, it must be direct and say to ourselves and our fellow citizens. Elapsed time of ambiguity, uncertainty, ambivalence. There can be no longer holds a position that stands on two boats. One can not hide behind another. One can not constantly wants to do “good” for electoral reasons, for petty reasons.

This is a time of difficult decisions. We have to choose between difficult decisions and decisions even more difficult. We unfortunately have to choose between sacrifice and even greater sacrifices in incomparably more dearly. We have to choose between humiliation suffered by a country, one nation and proud history and even greater humiliation that would have to suffer if the illusion that we keep our pride and our dignity, lead to solutions that are much larger social, economic and institutional cost. Cost for each citizen, for every family, every business. He spent longer the era of demagoguery, ease and hallucinations. Now we must make decisions.

It will thoroughly inform the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, political parties, the PASOK parliamentary group to which I belong and of course all the Greek Parliament, the whole Greek people. The people, every citizen, every Greek and every Greek must have a complete picture can make the free choice of strategy and history, which should make everyone individually and all Greeks must do collectively.

What should be done between now and the other Wednesday are a strategic choice for the next several years.And we know what we do, why we came here because we have to take these decisions, because they suffer as inconvenienced as a people, not only economically but also socially and morally. And we have to regain our perspective, must rediscover a historical horizon that we can properly direct our steps.

This is the conclusion from the current Eurogroup. Whatever you can imagine, all the elements of the Greek public life, all found in the table Eurogroup. Estimates for the correlation of political forces, evaluations of the outcome of the next election, questions about the attitude of all parties, not just the parties involved in governmental cooperation, questions about the role of social partners on the role of business in how every employee understands their responsibility in relation to each unemployed person. How people perceive their own role over responsibilities, and the undeniable giants, politicians. All were on the table. Because behind the technical issues are major political, ideological, institutional and historical issues.

These should become clear in the House to officially vote in the coming days. If some believe that now must be brought forward any feasibility, are free to make their choice. But we must now do all our choice.”

Новости рынков |Fitch: Греции необходимо договориться по долгу в ближайшие дни

10 февр. (Блумберг) — Греция должна достичь договоренности о снижении долгового бремени в ближайшие дни, чтобы предотвратить “неуправляемый” дефолт, который может вызвать панику в банковском секторе страны и привести к оттоку капитала из различных государств, включая Португалию и Ирландию, заявило агентство Fitch Ratings. 

“Им на самом деле необходимо договориться в ближайшие несколько дней, чтобы осталось достаточно времени для подготовки всех документов и новый транш помощи был выделен до наступления срока погашения облигаций, — сказал сегодня на конференции в Сингапуре управляющий директор Fitch Тони Стрингер. — Если им это не удастся, реальной может стать угроза неуправляемого дефолта”.
Договоренность с держателями облигаций о списании части текущих обязательств заставит Fitch понизить рейтинг Греции до “D”, что означает дефолт, сказал сегодня Стрингер.
“Характер дефолта и вопрос о том, сможет ли Греция остаться в еврозоне, также будут иметь решающее значение для будущего единой валюты, — отметил Стрингер. — Если удастся достичь соглашения в рамках переговорного процесса, то мы не думаем, что последствия для рынков будут такими уж
неблагоприятными, это будет позитивным исходом”.

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Новости рынков |Бонды госкомпаний Греции включат в план по обмену

7 февр. (Блумберг) — Облигации некоторых государственных компаний Греции будут включены в программу реструктуризации долга страны, сообщила Naftemporiki без указания источника информации. Долговые обязательства неприбыльных госкомпаний, а также, возможно, и некоторых прибыльных будут включены в программу обмена старых облигаций на новые, сообщила афинская газета.

Решение по этим компаниям было принято, поскольку если они не смогут погасить свои обязательства, то их долги, скорее всего, будут приплюсованы к госдолгу, сообщило издание. Общий объем долга госкомпаний и других государственных учреждений составляет 20 миллиардов евро ($26,3 миллиарда), из них 5 миллиардов евро приходится на обязательства частного сектора, привлеченные под гарантии государства, пишет газета.

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