Блог им. Vialcola |Моя переписка с простым греком.

Так что б лучше понимать настроения простых греков и почему Сериза популярна.
Сам разговор тут :):

-Greece is fuking the world again :) Now the debt is their sword!
-WRONG! Greece is SAVING the world once again by showing to the rest of the people how inhuman the euro leaders impose their ruthless economic theories to the countries,caring more about the banks and money than the wellfare of their citizens.Greece is just the beggining. Others are sure to follow. We proudly send to the nations of europe this message. RESIST!
-OK! Don't be the slaves!!!
- We don't. The truth is that we suffer our part of the problem since we used to live a life without limits the past 2-3 decades based on a false perspective of eternal wealth and now its payback time.The other half part though, has to do with the intention of frau Merkel's company to put in hand all europeans under the fear of collapsing EURO. So, in a way, we accept the punishment for our own sins but we rebel against the evil way EU terrorizes us and the others. Always true, always resisting

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