Rosneft (ROSN) Cost of production RSBU (year values)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023   CAGR 5 years ?
Cost of production, bln rub 4 782 3 641 5 626 6 323    
Changes by years, y/y, % -1% -24% +55% -100%   +5.6%

Rosneft. Cost of production, bln rub

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Rosneft. Cost of production, changes, %

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Rosneft. Cost of production, sum by quarters, bln rub

Created with Highcharts 6.0.62019.92019.91355.11355.11792.81792.83287.03287.02509.82509.81856.01856.04 quarter3 quarter2 quarter1

Rosneft (ROSN) Cost of production RSBU (quarter values)

2022Q4 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2024Q1
Cost of production, bln rub 2 510 1 793 2 020 1 856
Changes by years, y/y, % -24% +32%
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -100% -29% +13% -8%

Rosneft. Cost of production, bln rub

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Rosneft. Cost of production, changes, y/y, %

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Rosneft. Cost of production, changes, q/q, %

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