Marina Shestakova





Вакансия: программист С++/алготрейдер в немецкий хедж-фонд, Москва или Берлин

Вакансия: программист С++/алготрейдер в немецкий хедж-фонд, Москва или Берлин
Wermuth Asset Management GmbH (, a German family office and BaFin regulated investment adviser based in Berlin, Mainz, Amsterdam and Moscow, is looking for an experienced quant programmer / trader to support the existing equity trend-following system, develop new systems and explore new markets. Required skills set in trading and programming: MICEX, LSE, Quik, NetInvestor, eSignal, C++(STL, Atomic, Smart-pointers, Threading), Boost Libraries, Databases.
Candidate shall be fluent in English.
Position is based in Moscow or Berlin. Fixed salary is Rub200-250К per month gross, performance based bonus, share in performance fee.
Please send your application to Marina Shestakova:
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