
Копипаст | FX

    • 15 декабря 2016, 09:32
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UBS: We continue to forecast the EURUSD fluctuating in a 1.05–1.15 range for the time being, and sometime next year expect it to reach for higher levels, once Europe’s outlook has improved.

Danske: We continue to see EUR/USD as a ‘sell-onrallies’ where we are likely to see a test and break of the 1.05 level near term. We forecast EUR/USD at 1.05 in 1M and 1.04 in 3M. Longer term, we continue to expect EUR/USD to edge higher towards 1.08 in 6M and 1.12 in 12M on valuation and the record large eurozone-US current account differential.
  • Ключевые слова:
  • FX
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