Блог им. kobah
Кстати, по опыту Джереми Грэнтэма из GMO на существования пузыря указывают даже такие косвенные факторы, как растущая враждебность по отношению к медведям со стороны быков. В 1929 году игра на понижение влекла за собой риск физической расправы и даже убийства.
Either way, the market is now checking off all the touchy-feely characteristics of a major bubble. The most impressive features are the intensity and enthusiasm of bulls, the breadth of coverage of stocks and the market, and, above all, the rising hostility toward bears.
In 1929, to be a bear was to risk physical attack and guarantee character assassination. For us, 1999 was the only experience we have had of clients reacting as if we were deliberately and maliciously depriving them of gains.
In comparison, 2008 was nothing. But in the last few months the hostile tone has been rapidly ratcheting up. The irony for bears though is that it’s exactly what we want to hear. It’s a classic precursor of the ultimate break; together with stocks rising, not for their fundamentals, but simply because they are rising.