RKK Energia (RKKE) Cost of production MSFO (year values)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023   LTM ? CAGR 5 years ?
Cost of production, bln rub 38.5 31.6 41.1 45.7   45.7  
Changes by years, y/y, % +23% -18% -100% +11%     +7.9%

RKK Energia. Cost of production, bln rub

Created with Highcharts 6.0.628.328.332.732.727.927.929.229.236.336.331.231.238.538.531.631.641.141.145.745.745.745.720132014201520162017201820192020202120222023LTM01020304050smart-lab.ru

RKK Energia. Cost of production, changes, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.615.715.7-14.6-

RKK Energia. Cost of production, sum by quarters, bln rub

Created with Highcharts 6.0.619.819.820.220.230.330.39.89.811.511.518.318.312.112.113.313.317.317.315.415.44 quarter3 quarter2 quarter1 quarter201720182019202020212022202301020304050smart-lab.ru

RKK Energia (RKKE) Cost of production MSFO (quarter values)

2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q2 2023Q4   LTM ?
Cost of production, bln rub 17.3 15.4 30.3   45.7
Changes by years, y/y, % +30% -11%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -100% +96%    

RKK Energia. Cost of production, bln rub

Created with Highcharts

RKK Energia. Cost of production, changes, y/y, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.617.217.259.659.62.42.4-33.9-33.9-100.0-100.010.310.329.629.6-10.8-10.82018Q22018Q42019Q22019Q42020Q22020Q42021Q22021Q42022Q22022Q42023Q2-125-100-75-50-250255075smart-lab.ru

RKK Energia. Cost of production, changes, q/q, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.072.472.4-7.4-7.410.610.6-40.2-40.2-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.096.496.42017Q42018Q22018Q42019Q22019Q42020Q22020Q42021Q22021Q42022Q22022Q32022Q42023Q22023Q4-150-100-50050100150smart-lab.ru