National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard (MGKL) Employees MSFO (year values)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022   LTM ?
Employees, people 314   285
Changes by years, y/y, %    

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard. Employees, people

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard. Employees, changes, %

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard (MGKL) Employees MSFO (quarter values)

2022Q4 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2024Q2   LTM ?
Employees, people 314 278 296 285   285
Changes by years, y/y, % -11% -100% +3%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -11% +6% -100%    

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard. Employees, people

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard. Employees, changes, y/y, %

National chain of pawn shops Mosgorlombard. Employees, changes, q/q, %