However, it can also be seen that in six of the ten largest stock markets there is at least one day which beats the return of the week as a whole.
Interestingly, these are often different days. In the following countries one or more days outperform the entire week:
France – Thursday
Hong Kong – Friday
Japan – Monday, Wednesday
Taiwan – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
UK – Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
US – Tuesday
In these six countries an investor could have beaten the market benchmark by means of simply being invested during a single day of the week.
Moreover, as the overview indicates, it’s not always the same weekday that stands out. In fact, every day of the week from Monday to Friday actually appears on the list.
Interestingly, global intraweek effects are therefore relatively independent of each other, despite the fact that these stock markets generally exhibit a strong positive correlation.
Apart from intraweek effects there are many more effects based on the calendar, such as e.g. annual seasonality, which one can analyze quickly at
Regardless of whether you are a day trader or a long-term investor, useful effects exist in all sorts of different timeframes.
По своим каналам, ЦРУ выяснили, что хитрые русские хакеры во главе с математиками старой закалки написали программу под названием Quantum System, которая и делала просчеты динамики трендов на американских биржах. Как говориться, чистая наука и никакого обмана!
Получалось, что финансовая система целой страны могла лечь под весом советской математической школы.
Проблему удалось решить только по неофициальным каналам. США существенно сужали поле интересов на ближнем востоке, а руководство нашей страны попросило Евгения Александровича приостановить работу над Quantum System до лучших времен.