Блог им. hero10

Что такое коучинг в трейдинге. Мнение SMB Capital


Our best traders work with trading coach, Dr. Brett Steenbarger, and me on achieving their trading goals. Some send us a review of their trading session at the end of each day for feedback. I stand as the mentor and Dr. Steenbarger as the coach. I focus on helping with their active trading strategies as the mentor. Dr. Steenbarger focuses on traders performing at their peak. Some meet regularly with Dr. Steenbarger and brainstorm ways to improve. The key takeaway here is that they are receiving mentoring AND coaching.

Что такое коучинг в трейдинге. Мнение SMB Capital


2 комментария
тема коучинга не раскрыта)))
Вабще ни на грамм не раскрыта, и причем тут старый доктор Стинбаржа????

теги блога Kirill100

....все тэги

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