uniQure (QURE) Cost of production US GAAP (year values)

2020 2021 2022 2022 2023   LTM ?
Cost of production, bln rub 122.4 25.0 3.34 3.34 13.6   31.8
Changes by years, y/y, % +29% -80% -87% 0% +308%    

uniQure. Cost of production, bln rub

Created with Highcharts

uniQure. Cost of production, changes, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-100.0-

uniQure. Cost of production, sum by quarters, bln rub

Created with Highcharts quarter3 quarter2 quarter1 quarter2012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024010203040smart-lab.ru

uniQure (QURE) Cost of production US GAAP (quarter values)

2023Q3 2023Q4 2024Q1 2024Q2 2024Q3   LTM ?
Cost of production, bln rub 1.01 8.84 11.9 10.1 1.02   31.8
Changes by years, y/y, % +17% +435% +387% +649% +1%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -26% +778% +34% -15% -90%    

uniQure. Cost of production, bln rub

Created with Highcharts

uniQure. Cost of production, changes, y/y, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-82.5-82.5-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-96.4-96.4-8.2-8.2-8.2-8.262.562.516.816.8435.5435.5386.9386.9649.3649.31.51.52014Q42015Q12015Q22015Q32015Q42016Q12016Q22016Q32016Q42017Q12017Q22017Q32017Q42018Q12018Q22018Q32018Q42019Q12019Q22019Q32019Q42020Q12020Q22020Q32020Q42021Q12021Q22021Q32021Q42022Q12022Q22022Q32022Q42022Q42023Q12023Q22023Q32023Q42024Q12024Q22024Q3-2000200400600800smart-lab.ru

uniQure. Cost of production, changes, q/q, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-67.4-67.4-45.1-45.1-1.9-1.9-0.5-0.5-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-