Garrett Motion inc (GTXMQ) Market cap US GAAP (year values)

The current market cap of the company Garrett Motion inc is 0 bln rub.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020   LTM ?
Market cap, bln rub 0 0 918 759 336   0
Changes by years, y/y, % -17% -56%    

Garrett Motion inc. Market cap, bln rub

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Garrett Motion inc: рыночная капитализация + чистый долг (EV для Garrett Motion inc), bln rub

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Garrett Motion inc. Market cap, changes, %

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Garrett Motion inc (GTXMQ) Market cap US GAAP (quarter values)

2020Q1 2020Q2 2020Q3 2020Q4 2021Q1   LTM ?
Market cap, bln rub 215 419 261 336 394   0
Changes by years, y/y, % -80% -63% -65% -55% +84%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -71% +95% -38% +28% +17%    

Garrett Motion inc. Market cap, bln rub

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Garrett Motion inc: рыночная капитализация + чистый долг (EV для Garrett Motion inc), bln rub

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-598.0-598.0-252.0-252.01750.01750.01743.01743.01358.01358.01384.01384.01291.01291.01226.01226.01139.01139.01268.01268.01103.01

Garrett Motion inc. Market cap, changes, y/y, %

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Garrett Motion inc. Market cap, changes, q/q, %

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