Gaz-servis (GAZS) Market cap MSFO (year values)

The current market cap of the company Gaz-servis is 0.00 bln rub.

The market capitalization of a company is calculated as the total value of all the company's shares, calculated using the current quotations on the Moscow Exchange.

2020 2021 2022
Market cap, bln rub 0.00 0.00 0.00
Changes by years, y/y, %

Gaz-servis. Market cap, bln rub

Gaz-servis: рыночная капитализация + чистый долг (EV для Gaz-servis), bln rub

Gaz-servis. Market cap, changes, %

Gaz-servis (GAZS) Market cap MSFO (quarter values)

2021Q4 2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2024Q3
Market cap, bln rub 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Changes by years, y/y, %
Changes by quarters, q/q, %

Gaz-servis. Market cap, bln rub

Gaz-servis: рыночная капитализация + чистый долг (EV для Gaz-servis), bln rub

Gaz-servis. Market cap, changes, y/y, %

Gaz-servis. Market cap, changes, q/q, %