Apache (APA) Interest expenses US GAAP (year values)

2020 2021 2021 2022 2023   LTM ? CAGR 5 years ?
Interest expenses, bln rub 267.0 514.0 379.0 331.0   359.0  
Changes by years, y/y, % -42% -100% -26% -13%     -7.1%

Apache. Interest expenses, bln rub

Created with Highcharts

Apache. Interest expenses, changes, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.029.529.5-100.0-100.0-27.3-27.3-24.4-

Apache. Interest expenses, sum by quarters, bln rub

Created with Highcharts quarter3 quarter2 quarter1 quarter1985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024404142430100200300400500smart-lab.ru

Apache (APA) Interest expenses US GAAP (quarter values)

2023Q3 2023Q4 2024Q1 2024Q2 2024Q3   LTM ?
Interest expenses, bln rub 81.0 79.0 78.0 101.0 101.0   359.0
Changes by years, y/y, % +8% +4% +8% +23% +25%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % -1% -2% -1% +29% 0%    

Apache. Interest expenses, bln rub

Created with Highcharts

Apache. Interest expenses, changes, y/y, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-

Apache. Interest expenses, changes, q/q, %

Created with Highcharts 6.0.6-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-100.0-23.7-