Denis Kolchin
Denis Kolchin Копипаст
17 апреля 2015, 20:06

15 сюрреалистических фото китайских домов, владельцы которых отказались переезжать при строительстве новых объектов.

Интересно, а возможно ли такое в РФ? ))

15 surreal pictures of Chinese 'nail houses' whose owners refused to cave to developers

A woman stands on the balcony of her house, which was demolished to build new apartments in downtown Shanghai in December 2010.
The owner of this partly demolished home in Kunming refused to move, even after water and electricity supplies to the house were cut.
In 2010, the owner of this nail apartment in Nanjing refused to move even though demolition had already started on other rooms in the building. The banner, from supporters, says, "People from the old south district of Nanjing support you."
The family that lived inside this nail house in Xiangyang reportedly refused to move because of a disagreement over their compensation. It stands in stark contrast to the high-rises in the background.
A woman walks past the last remaining home in an area on the outskirts of Nanjing in 2008. The owners had sought more money for their home from the developers of a wetland project.

Here, a partly demolished home stands at a construction site in Hefei in 2010.
The owners of this nail house in the middle of a construction site in Guangzhou lost a 2008 lawsuit seeking more compensation in exchange for their home.
The banner on this nail house, which blocked the construction of new apartments in Hefei, Anhui province, in 2008, says, "strongly requesting the government to punish the developer who demolished my house, give back my home."

This shack was the last in the area to be demolished to make way for a commercial project. It came down in 2007, shortly after China passed a law making it harder for the government to seize land.

The owner of this partly demolished nail house in Rui'an, Zhejiang province, lived in the home for nearly a year after local authorities cut her water and electricity supply. Developers had sought to destroy the house to make way for a new business plaza.

This six-floor villa in the central business district of Shenzhen became a nail house in 2007 after the owners demanded that the developer of a financial center triple his compensation offer.

This nail house in Chongqing Municipality was the subject of debate in 2009, when the owners insisted on more compensation to allow the demolition of their home to make way for new apartment buildings.

Another nail house in a road, the owner of this home in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, reportedly failed to reach an agreement about compensation for demolition.
One of the most famous nail houses in China, this home in Wenling, Zhejiang province, belonged to an elderly couple that found their compensation offer inadequate. As a result, it stands in the middle of a road that was paved through their village.

This ramshackle home stood on the square in front of a shopping mall in Changsha, in China's Hunan province, in 2007.china nail house
8 Комментариев
  • Трейдер Квадратный
    17 апреля 2015, 20:08
    фу, копипаста с фишек.
  • Бармалей
    17 апреля 2015, 20:11
    и не такое возможно
  • Ильмир Ахметшин
    18 апреля 2015, 07:19
    В России тоже есть, но таких поджигают. А в Китае наверно на кукси пускают
    • Ильмир Ахметшин
      18 апреля 2015, 07:20
      но интересная картина, как будет через лет 20 в мегаполисе, когда вокруг тебя строится и живет мир ))
  • Туземун
    18 апреля 2015, 08:26
    У нас в городе таких поджигают
  • shprots
    18 апреля 2015, 10:21
    В Москве уже много лет либо не трогают, либо договариваются. Поджиг был раньше распространен. Один дом на Варшавке раньше всем мешал, никто не сжег.
  • beast
    18 апреля 2015, 16:22
    Долгопрудный, Лихачёвский проспект. Построено шоссе по 2 полосы в одну сторону с разделителем посередине. Одна из сторон упирается в несколько домов, жители которых такие же упрямые как на этих картинках. В итоге все движутся только по одной стороне от разделителя, а другая пустует.

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