Писец конечно, менеджмент из Газпрома теперь становится менеджментом ВК. В страшном сне такое не могло присниться:(
VK Company Limited (LSE, MOEX: VKCO, hereinafter referred as “VK” or “the Company”) announces changes to the Board of Directors and appointment of a Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Sergey Kuprianov, Non-executive Director of VK since 14 December 2021, was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of the Company. Sergey Kuprianov has been the Press Secretary to the Chairman of the Management Committee at Gazprom PJSC since 2003, and the Head of Department at Gazprom PJSC since 2019.
Тимофей Мартынов, зато кредиты будут дешевые и насчёт закредитованности можно будет меньше переживать. А еще газпром платит дивиденды