Редактор Боб
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01 апреля 2019, 09:38

Globaltrans - финальные дивиденды за 2018 г - 46,5 руб/ао

Финальные дивиденды Globaltrans могут составить 46,5 руб АО/ГДР

ГОСА — 22 апреля
Закрытие реестра под дивиденды — 18 апреля

  • The Board of Directors has proposed final and special final dividends to shareholders in respect of 2018 of a combined RUB 8.3 billion or RUB 46.5 per share/GDR[1].
    • Final dividend payments are subject to shareholders’ approval at the Annual General Meeting called for 22 April 2019.
    • The shareholder dividend record date is set as 18 April 2019. The GDRs will be marked as ex-dividend on 17 April 2019.
  • The total shareholder payment in respect of 2018 will be ahead of target at RUB 16.5 billion or RUB 92.4 per share/GDR (including the already paid interim and special interim dividends and the proposed final and special final dividends), 3% higher than the total payment in respect of 2017.

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