Statement of Ever Given Master:
Please note the below incident which occurred during vessel’s Suez Canal Transit (Southbound) on 11 Mar’21.
Vessel picked up the first Pilot at 0424hrs before Canal entry and entered the Suez Canal (Port Said side) at 0530hrs.
Before disembarking, the pilot requested for Ciggarettes which was politely declined by master stating the zero corruption policy implemented on board as per charterers. The pilot disembarked thereafter.
First Pilot change (at Canal Entry) was from 0526hrs to 0534hrs.
The 2nd pilot (Capt. Khaled) who barded the vessel was on board till Ismalia.
The pilot was seeming a bit anxious during manoeuvring and on a few occasions tried to call out the helmsman for steering courses 0.2 degrees more than required. Master was present at all times and at no point did the helmsman execute a wrong helm order nor was any issue with vessel’s steering noted.
Before disembarking the pilot requested for Ciggarettes which was politely declined by master stating the zero corruption policy implemented on board as per charterers.
Second Pilot change at Ismalia from 1005hrs to 1013hrs.
The 3rd pilot (Capt. Khalied Mohammed Hussain Hassane – ID No.1721201) after boarding the vessel exchanged a few words with the pilot who was disembarking (in their local language) as is the general practice in Suez.
He refused to exchange pleasentaries with the Master and immediately after the 2nd pilot disembarked he said -
Quote- “Captain, please take the ship and navigate through the canal. I am only here to assist and advise you as per Suez Canal rules.” -Unquote
When questioned regarding what he meant by the same and if he will be giving helm orders and courses to steer, he said that master was fully responsible for the same and navigating through the canal. The pilots job was only to observe and advise as required.
Please note that while this exchange was happening, the vessel was still underway in the convoy, passing bends and turns in the canal for which the helm orders were being given by Master.
In the next 15-20 mins whilst manoeuvring through the canal, the pilot was politely, sternly and diplomatically requested to co-operate however he kept saying that the Master is supposed to handle the vessel. Additionally he said that the last pilot has handed over to him regarding issue with vessel’s steering, hence he will only observe.
He was assured by Master that their was no issue with the vessel’s steering, something he could have observed in the 20 mins he had been on board; however he refused to co-operate.
At that moment my focus as master was the safety of the vessel and the safe navigation (without any assistance from the pilot), alongwith ensuring the Bridge Team does not get distracted and therefore could not indulge in any detailed argument with the pilot.
After about 20 mins of navigating through the canal (Near Ismalia) in an area where there were continous alterations and no steady course, with the pilot not giving any helm orders, and trying to harass the Master & vessel, the pilot was told that the matter will be reported to Ismalia Port Control.
As soon as the master picked up the VHF and called Ismalia Port Control on Ch8, the pilot raised his volume high, started shouting, snatched the VHF from the master’s hand (which also resulted in advertently pushing the Master) and threatened that if same was reported “It will not be good for the vessel”.
At that very moment, in his raised volume he called for fwd and aft stations and for both anchors to be lowered to water level, as he insisted on stopping the vessel and arresting vessel for faulty steering. He said vessel will be held at Bitter lake until sea trials were carried out.
Fwd station was immediately manned however anchors were not lowered as ship was doing 9 knots speed.
Нам раз в Джибути, очередь пустили из кустов! Хотите верьте, хотите нет..
Мастер намек понял, отдал пару коробок колы, пару блоков сигарет. Всё было хорошо))))
«SCA has something else to think about, besides Canal technical characteristics and ships sizes. Below is the Statement given by Master, whose ship recently transited Canal. Suez Canal is nicknamed “Marlboro Canal” among seamen, for many years already, because of incessant practice of extorting cigarettes mostly,»
И далее все один в один
Одногрупник, скинул инфу… Этож не с его слов базар. Морякам по инмарсату факсы идут каждую минуту…
Отправьте в поиск фразу "«Please note the below incident which occurred during vessel’s Suez Canal Transit (Southbound) on 11 Mar’21.» .
Ничего не удивляет?
Если мне прислали по факсу, что к примеру: в гвинейском заливе, в такое то время, в таких то координатах, пираты атаковали танкер с Российско-Филлипинским экипажем! Меня это должно удивить?
Некоторые вовсе Эвер грин танкером назвали! Что там твоих комментариев не видать
Что то ты пропал совсем )))
Администрация какого порта управляет всем движение Суэцкого канала?
Да много причин может быть! А может он за снабжением туда поперся? А может за пресной дешевой водой? А может пару контейнеров закинуть арабам? Да кто его знает! Грузоотправитель(получатель) может планы поменял! Либо судовладельцу что то там понадобилось...
По датам вникать не хочется, но маршрут могут поменять на ходу… Всякое бывает в пути.
Но это пустые разговоры конечно… На сием откланяюсь. Всем пока и удачной торговой недели…
Так что это инфа в сети, такая же пустышка, как и наши с вами рассуждения об этом…
Совет бесплатный, не дай бог, попадете к следователю по какому-нибудь делу- не надо ему в таком духе рассказывать, считая что все кругом лохи. И друга не отмажете и сами попадете. У специалистов есть наивная мысль, что никто кроме них не сможет разобраться, и поэтому их обычно и ловят.
Сама то история про папиросы возможно и была, только с другим судном.
Разница в этом пустом трепе, между мной и вами в том, что я не знаю на самом деле что произошло(типа я дурачек) Ну, а вы, якобы умник, знаете дофига… Но на самом деле, вы тот же самый дурачек! Только заблудившийся в своих иллюзиях всезнания… Говорите загадками… Словно на допросе… Даю 9из10ти, что вы красного цвета… И в морской тематике, вам имхо, делать нечего… продолжайте заниматься, своей профессиональной деятельностью… Либо уже изложите свои знания по этой ситуации, как нормальный( не мусорок) человек…
Нормальный человек не плетет ересь, он может ошибаться, но не врать, вранье обычно видно сразу.