Еще один обзор. На этот раз об американских компаниях, занимающихся оборонкой.
Общая информация для развития кругозора (на английском):
NYSE Arca Defense Index
The NYSE Arca Defense Index (DFI) is an equal dollar weighted Index designed to represent a cross section of widely held, highly capitalized companies involved in providing systems, equipment and services to the United States government and its allies for the purpose of supporting military, defense and intelligence efforts. The component stocks operate in industry segments that include, but are not limited to, military aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, ground transportation, aerospace instrumentation and technology, specialized communication and radar systems, ammunition and weapon systems. The Index was established with a benchmark value of 500.00 on September 21, 2001. The DFI Index is rebalanced quarterly based on closing prices on the third Friday in March, June, September & December to ensure that each component stock continues to represent approximately equal weight in the index.
Индекс (месяц, неделя, день, час). Не стал ничего рисовать сверху — надеюсь все и так наглядно :)
Теперь, отдельно по стакам (месяц, недельки, день):
Кого вижу для себя: