Васек и Василиса
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06 января 2019, 22:06

"Letters of happiness" from Moscow Exachange / BCS Cуprus

Заголовок и текст письма по-английски (оригинал) чтоб отсечь безграмотных.

В декабре получил от БКС Кипр 2 письма, которое им якобы или правда пришло от Moscow Exchange. Вот текст второго, более категоричного:

Agreement: Financial Services Agreement # dated
Date: 20 December 2018
Dear Client,
Re: Request for information on your trading activity on the Moscow Exchange for the period
from 01 November 2018 to 30 November 2018
We refer to the Financial Services Agreement entered into between you and us on
13.08.2012 (Agreement), our request for information dated 12 December 2018 and your response
dated 14 December 2018.
On 12 December 2018, we requested you to provide certain information in relation to your orders for
entering into certain transactions (specified in the request) on the Moscow Exchange (Orders)
through us as your broker under the Agreement. Specifically, we asked you to explain the purpose
and circumstances of the transactions and price formation thereof.
On 14 December 2018, you responded to us that you trade in futures and options using algorithmic
strategies and inform us that the increase in the number of transactions was associated with the launch
of several algorithmic trading programs.
However, it still remains unclear, what was the purpose and the circumstances of the transactions
and how the price was formed.
Please kindly explain what algorithms did you apply, what was the logic of those algorithms, and
what was the trigger for submission of the Orders.
Please provide the information in writing within two (2) business days upon receipt of this request.

Если вам приходили подобные письма, напишите, плиз:
1 Что от вас еще требовалось в письме?
2 Что вы отвечали?
3 Чем закончилась переписка?

1 Не писать тем, кто не получал таких писем или не имеет достоверной информации о подобных случаях
2 Не писать глупостей в комментах, абы не ставить себя в неловкое положение
3 Не лайкать
В противном случае коммент будет удален


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