Тимофей Мартынов
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11 апреля 2014, 10:57

Карл Айкан об американском рынке акций

Репост из фейсбука К.Бронштейна:

Carl Icahn (one of the biggest swinging dicks on the street) yesterday discussed his eBay activity on CNBC, also made a statement regarding his market view:
«I do believe that this market — you know, everybody loves this market. You go talk to — you know, you talk in your barber shop and everybody is buying this, buying that and talking about it. That's the time to be cautious. But that's not the only reason. The reason to be cautious, i think, is that a lot of the earnings are sort of artificial because, you know, the fed did a great job in saving this country. But right now with these low interest rates it's easy to make earnings. And i don't think that can continue forever. I just don't think, if it's that easy, then why even have to do anything? Just print off money. You can't really do that. We could get into it for hours and hours. But i do think that is a problem. I've said that before and i continue to say it. I think that there will be a major correction, but i don't know when. It could be three years. It could be three days. You know, i can't tell you when that's going to happen.»

В двух словах:
  • все говорят о рынке (анти-сигнал)
  • многие прибыли дутые, так как ставки нулевые
  • жду большую коррекцию но не могу сказать когда она будет
1 Комментарий
  • owner
    11 апреля 2014, 15:03
    «I think that there will be a major correction, but i don't know when.It could be three years. It could be three days» — мощный диапазон)

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