Andreykrd личный блог
31 июля 2011, 21:09

"How to Make Money in Microseconds" Donald MacKenzie

     What goes on in stock markets appears quite different when viewed on different timescales. Look at a whole day’s trading, and market participants can usually tell you a plausible story about how the arrival of news has changed traders’ perceptions of the prospects for a company or the entire economy and pushed share prices up or down. Look at trading activity on a scale of milliseconds, however, and things seem quite different.

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1 Комментарий
  • KyMa
    31 июля 2011, 22:14
    выдержки на родном языке видела на этой странице в статье «Фондовая биржа: под контролем программ» от 16.05.2011:

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