I would like to consider for stock trading. I don’t know anyone who has traded with them.
daytraderboston, Unitad traders are scammers) They are dealers, but not a brokers. Not sure about Fondexx, but I didn’t trust them too. Fondexx sounds like Forex)
Ildar Araslanov,
Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. What do you mean by dealers? Also can you tell my why they United Traders are scammers? Do they not pay up when a withdrawal is requested? This is the fondexx I am referring to fondexx.com/ it is not forex. Can you please get some information about it? Also do you know of any good broker or dealer for stock trading NYSE stocks?
daytraderboston, open-broker.ru/trading/trading-international/
I think nonresidents can open account on there platform, but not sure ;)