InvisibleInvestor личный блог
27 мая 2022, 17:55

Euroclear - unhappy end, активы в Евро все?

Судя по всему, после 12 апреля 2022 без разрешения на жительство европейские активы не купить?

Article 5f(1) of EU Council Regulation 833/2014 prohibits the sale of transferable securities
denominated in any official currency of a Member State issued after 12 April 2022 or units in
collective investment undertakings providing exposure to such securities, to any Russian
national or natural person residing in Russia or any legal person, entity or body established in
Russia (“Russian Person”). Article 5f(2) provides that this prohibition shall not apply to
nationals of a Member State or natural persons having a temporary or permanent residence
permit in a Member State.

Что же с дивами?
1 Комментарий

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