kiryushka личный блог
23 сентября 2020, 14:12

Турлов миллиардер

Тут Миша Блумберг пишет, что Турлов из Фридом Финанс стал миллиардером на ипошках

Timur Turlov’s sleepy brokerage used to rely on just two dozen day traders for most of its volume.

These days, thanks to raging demand for stocks from retail investors, his Freedom Holding Corp. is booming and the 32-year-old is a billionaire.

It’s one of the more unlikely global fortunes. Turlov’s firm is incorporated in Nevada, but its main office is in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where it caters to Kazakhs and Russians seeking the next hot initial public offering from Silicon Valley. Commission income has surged 51-fold since 2016, and tens of thousands of new clients have signed up.
2 Комментария

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