Дмитрий Новости рынков
09 апреля 2018, 11:51

Blackmoon (BMC) запустила свою платформу!

Blackmoon запустили свой основной продукт — платформу для создания и торговли токенизированными активами.

В отличии от конкурентов основной упор сделан на 100% легальность и соответствие всем требованиям compliance.
Больше деталей в блоге - https://news.blackmooncrypto.com/blackmoon-platform-launched-f1b3fe4ee43e

Регистрация уже открыта (KYC + AML). Поспешите!

Первые три фонда - https://blackmoonplatform.com/showcase

1. SPDR S&P500 ETF

SPDR S&P500 ETF token is the asset token of the exchange traded fund (ETF) which tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. The objective of this ETF is to generate the investment results corresponding to the price and yield of S&P 500 Index.


The iShares MSCI EM ETF token is the asset token of the exchange traded fund (ETF) which tracks the MSCI Emerging Markets index. The Fund’s objective is to generate the investment results corresponding to the price and yield of the index composed of large- and mid-capitalization emerging market equities.


The United States Real estate Lending token is an asset token of the Prime Meridian fund. The Fund’s objective is to earn return for token holders from a diversified, secure real estate loan portfolio of first lien loans in the USA.

Important disclaimer:

Investment in cryptocurrencies carries high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for every investor; therefore, you should not risk the capital you cannot afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to ensure the product meets your objectives before you decide to invest. Regional restrictions and suitability checks apply.

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