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Submitted by John Crudele via NYPost.com
Кратко в ней говориться о том, что по сути к обвалу 24 августа привели действия FED, что до речи Дадли рынок шел вверх.
Credit was given to William Dudley, the head of the NY Fed I mentioned above, who offered his soothing opinion that interest rates probably wouldn’t be raised by the Fed at its September meeting.
“Once again, the Federal Reserve helped save the day for investors,” the New York Times wrote in a front-page article that cited Dudley’s speech.
But that wasn’t true — not unless Dudley’s speech leaked ahead of time. Stocks were up before Dudley’s talk and actually fell when he began speaking. That was probably due to the fact that Dudley pooh-poohed the idea of another dose of QE.
Как результат звучат голоса по проведению полного аудита с выемкой всей документации.
The Fed should be audited as a brokerage firm would be — its financial holdings, its transactions, market orders, emails and phone calls. Special attention should be given to what is called the “trade blotter” at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which handles all market transactions for the Fed.
В таких условиях сомневаюсь, что ФРС пойдет на перенос повышения ставки и полный завал рынка.
Поэтому начинаю шортить декабрьские контракты евро и золото.
И кого какое мнение?
Если пойдет на дно Америка, то Европу тоже потянет, так что с Евро вообще риск минимальный ;-) в долгосроке.