italiano Новости рынков
24 января 2014, 09:55

Тенденция на рынке - финансовым советником быть уже не так привлекательно

Профессия теряет былой блеск (в США).
Так по данным рейтинга «100 лучших профессий Америки» она скатилась на 41 место. Выше, видимо, официант, стриптезер, сварщик, оператор ё-мобиля.

Financial adviser job loses a little luster
Slips further down list of top 100 jobs to No. 41, though profession still a stand-out for opportunity and work-life balance

A new ranking of America's best 100 jobs reveals that the financial advice business is an outstanding profession, even though the sector has slipped down the rankings.
“Financial adviser” ranked No. 41 of the 100 Best Jobs of 2014, an annual list by U.S. News and World Report released Thursday. The profession landed at No. 32 last year and No. 23 in 2012, which was the first year the list was published.
The profession's slip down the list probably has most to do with the addition of new jobs to the list, rather than changes to the advisory business, said Jada Graves, senior career editor for U.S. News. This year's list included 18 additional jobs, such as nurse practitioner, operations research analyst, information security analyst, and nail technician.
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