Retail sales data for September that were delayed by the 16-day partial U.S. government shutdown will be released on Oct. 29, the agency charged with compiling the figures said today.
The retail sales data are among eight monthly reports assigned new release dates, the Census Bureau announced on its website. The agency’s October sales report will be issued on Nov. 20.
Housing-related data are also being delayed. The Census Bureau’s figures on September and October housing starts figures will be delivered Nov. 26. Data on September and October new-home sales have been pushed back to Dec. 4.
August construction spending figures, previously set for Oct. 1, the first day of the shutdown, will be released tomorrow. September figures on construction outlays have been postponed until Dec. 2.
Trade deficit data for August and September will be issued on Oct. 24 and Nov. 14, respectively.
The bureau’s figures on August and September factory orders will be issued together on Nov. 4.
Краткий перевод:
Публикация данных по розничным продажам за сентябрь перенесена на 29 октября.
Публикация данных по продажам новых домов за сентярь и октябрь задерживается до 4 декабря .
Публикация фабричных заказов — на 4 ноября.
Источник: Блумберг 21 октября
Alex666, не так. Долг на столько огромный, что если Газпром будет не в состоянии платить, то кредиторам не останется ничего другого, как согласиться на реструктуризацию и/или списания. Но наиболее ...