Kisa13 личный блог
12 сентября 2012, 18:43


дайте ссыль плиз на видео презентацию по эплу 5 шорты большие
4 Комментария
  • Ед В
    12 сентября 2012, 18:46
    видео не будет
  • Чёрт
    12 сентября 2012, 18:53
    1. Gizmodo iPhone 5 Live Blog: As the event progresses, Gizmodo will cover it all live throughout the day here.

    2. SlashGear Live: SlashGear will be live blogging the Apple press event here. The site will also post instant photos from the event in its live portal.

    3. The Verge Live Blog: The Verge will be live blogging Apple's announcement of the next iPhone here.

    4. Engadget Live Blog: You can get live updates of the Apple iPhone 5 event in the live blog page provided by Engadget.

    5. TechnoBuffalo iPhone 5 Live Blog: You can also bookmark this site for live blog coverage of the Apple media event.

    6. AnandTech: AnandTech will be live blogging Apple's announcement of the next iPhone here.

    7. iMore Live: iMore will be live blogging Apple's announcement of the next iPhone here.

    8. PC Advisor Live Blog: PC Advisor will get you live news from Apple's media event.

    9. PCMag: You can join PCMag's live blog page here.

    10. Time Techland: Time Techland will be live blogging the Apple press event here.

    11. Macworld Live: Macworld will be offering live coverage of the Apple iPhone 5 announcement here.
  • Тимофей Мартынов
    12 сентября 2012, 19:03
    Спасибо за инфу! Вынес тему на главную!

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