pm личный блог
02 августа 2017, 18:53


  President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into law a bill imposing sanctions on Russia to punish it for its
interference in the 2016 U.S. election, a White House official said.
     The president said in a pair of statements the bill was «seriously flawed» because it «encroaches on the executive
branch's authority to negotiate,» and includes a number of «clearly unconstitutional provisions.»
     But he said that he had signed it «for the sake of national unity,» and that it showed the American people want to
«see Russia take steps to improve relations with the U.S.»
     The measure, which also imposes sanctions on Iran and North Korea, passed the Senate on Thursday on a 98-2 vote.
The same bill passed the House last week, 419-3. The overwhelming majority showed the president that there was enough
strength in Congress to override a veto should he choose to block the legislation.
     While the measure was debated in Congress, White House officials wouldn't commit to whether the president would
sign the bill, saying it may infringe on presidential authority. The bill includes a provision that would require the
president to consult Congress before relaxing any sanctions against Moscow or restoring Russia's control over diplomatic
 compounds in the U.S. that had been seized by the Obama administration as part of U.S. reprisals for the alleged
election interference.
     According to a January report from the U.S. intelligence community, Russia's interference was directed at the
highest levels of its government. Its tactics included hacking state election systems; infiltrating and leaking
information from party committees and political strategists; and disseminating through social media and other outlets
negative stories about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and positive ones about Mr. Trump, the report said.
     Mr. Trump has expressed skepticism about the findings. Russia has denied the allegations. 
  (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  08-02-17 1145ET
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