floor - записи по тегу
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Алексей26 октября 2012, 03:12

Trading floor Aton

Как всегда, у меня присутствует неравнодушие к trading floor разных компаний. Наткнулся на материал Finparty (источник), которые почему-то давно ничего здесьне публикуют, об Атоне. Выкладываю.
У каждого трейдера не менее четырех мониторов...Читать далее
Алексей19 апреля 2012, 16:06

Trading floor Direct Access Partners

Trading floor Direct Access Partners
Direct Access Partners operates an institutional agency brokerage business from its downtown Manhattan trading floor, focusing on multi-asset class executions in equities, fixed income, options and futures — both domestic and international. The boutique firm is an employee-owned, operated and capitalized firm, which hired talent from the bulge-bracket trading community....Читать далее
Алексей19 апреля 2012, 15:48

Trading floor Bloomberg Tradebook (Manhattan)

Trading floor Bloomberg Tradebook (Manhattan)
Bloomberg Tradebook runs a global institutional agency brokerage business from its trading floor on Manhattan's midtown east side, focusing on multi-asset class executions in equities, futures, options and FX. Launched as an ECN in 1995, Tradebook has recently redefined and broadened its focus to include execution consulting, research and commission management....Читать далее
Алексей19 апреля 2012, 15:32

Trading floor Investment Technology Group

Trading floor Investment Technology Group
Investment Technology Group is an independent agency broker and financial technology provider specializing in institutional liquidity, execution services, analytical tools and proprietary research grounded in data. The firm has been a leader in electronic trading since launching Posit in 1987, the first anonymous crossing and trade-matching venue for institutional investors....Читать далее

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