silver dream
silver dream личный блог
04 октября 2012, 01:43

NYMEX Silver futures open interest in September

NYMEX Silver futures open interest increased 9.3 percent in September. Commercial participants, who accounted for 45.3 percent of open interest, held net short positions; they decreased their long positions by 9.4 percent and increased their short positions by 12.4 percent. Non-commercial participants, who accounted for 39.5 percent of open interest, held net long positions. They increased their long positions by 12.5 percent and increased their short positions by 7.2 percent. Non-reportable participants, who accounted for 15.2 percent of total open interest,held net long positions; they increased their long positions by 33.0 percent and decreased their short positions by 4.1 percent.
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