Субботний Бернанке или разве вы этого ждали уважаемые Медведи?

Ну что Уважаемые медведи
если вы ждали именно этого, то боюсь вас разачаровать.

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Chairman Ben S. Bernanke

At Bard College at Simon's Rock, Great Barrington, Massachusetts

May 18, 2013

Economic Prospects for the Long Run

Let me start by congratulating the graduates and their parents. The word «graduate» comes from the Latin word for «step.» Graduation from college is only one step on a journey, but it is an important one and well worth celebrating.

I think everyone here appreciates what a special privilege each of you has enjoyed in attending a unique institution like Simon's Rock. It is, to my knowledge, the only «early college» in the United States; many of you came here after the 10th or 11th grade in search of a different educational experience. And with only about 400 students on campus, I am sure each of you has felt yourself to be part of a close-knit community. Most important, though, you have completed a curriculum that emphasizes creativity and independent critical thinking, habits of mind that I am sure will stay with you.

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