комментарии Юрий К на форуме

  1. Логотип КИВИ (QIWI)
    on Wednesday reported Q2 adjusted earnings of 47.35 Russian rubles ($0.81) per diluted share, up from 43.30 rubles a year ago.

    Revenue for the quarter ended June 30 increased to 14.02 billion rubles from 10.81 billion rubles.

    The company has extended its decision of not providing short- or medium-term guidance «due to the persisting level of uncertainty and market volatility» and will continue to keep future dividend payments under revenue, according to the release.
  2. Логотип Сбербанк
    А в ОИ по фьючам то что творится. Ни разу такого не видел.

    Ramak, А что по открытому интересу на РТС?
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